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Some Example Exercises that can be used to work on specific skills...

These are just a few ideas and examples to show how dance can be used to practice a range of skills that could produce wider ranging benefits.

Mirroring - For observation, interaction and confidence.

In this exercise there is a leader and follower. One person moves and the other copies what they are doing as though they are looking in a mirror. They then swap roles.

This is a great exercise for social interaction as it requires pair work, it practices observation and perception as well sharing movement possibilities.

It also increases confidence as one person is required to lead making them in control of the situation.

Contact Game - For social interaction, trust and contact.

Group exercise. Dancers move around the room, when a signal is given they are required to make contact with each other and hold in a freeze.

This works on perception and observation as students are required to look for each other, trust and social interaction as they are required to make physical contact. Imagination can also be developed if contact other than simple hand holding is developed.

*note: Some students have a fear or dislike of physical contact, adaptation should be made such as proximity and not touching.

Slow Race - For dynamics, observation and perception and control

Either with a taught phrase of movement or travelling steps. Students begin the phrase at the same time and the person that performs it the slowest wins.

This develops the idea of dynamics and speed within dance. It also requires observation of other dancers and perception of how quickly they are moving and develops control of the body.

Emotion Dancing - Practices social understanding, observation and imagination.

​Dancers begin in a circle, the class leader suggests an emotion (happy, sad, excited...) The students then take it in turn to perform a movement, expression or step that they feel shows that emotion. This is then developed into a movement piece with the guidance of the teacher.

Sometimes people with learning disabilities struggle with understanding other peoples behaviour and emotions, this is a good way to develop and practice those skill as direct links can be made "this is what someone who is sad looks like". This skill could be transferred into other areas of their lives. 

It can also produce some really lovely movement ideas and can be developed into great sequences  that the students have all helped to create.

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